Its a small world
Our client was the executor of a substantial estate. The problem was that the three beneficiaries, (all rather distant relatives) each of who were to receive some £500,000 had ‘disappeared’ many years ago. Indeed it was not known if any or all remained alive.
With much researching of the family tree, we were eventually successful in establishing some rather old addresses in the UK but at least we had a place at which to start.
Our enquiries revealed that two of the beneficiaries had gone to live in South Africa and the other to Germany. All had been out of the UK for over twenty years. We were looking forward to trips to Africa and Europe to track down our lucky relatives.
We were pleased and not a little disappointed with the comparative ease at which we located the three relatives using the internet. In no time at all, we had addresses and telephone numbers for likely candidates and with a few telephone calls we were able to track down the happy recipients.
Not all tracings are so easy. Often, the ones that on the face of things appear straight forward, are in fact most difficult. Like the one exampled, those that appear difficult, can be resolved quite easily.
We have a great deal of experience in locating missing persons, both nationally and around the world.
If you would like help with a similar problem please call +44 (0)1986 892006 or email Maybe we can help - initial consultation is free.